Monday, August 29, 2011

War No. 3

So here we are again. We've been war decced for the third time.
It seems that there is one guy who has been involved in every of the 3 wars, who might have some personal issues with our Alliance.
This atm is only a suspicion nothing confirmed yet.

The good thing is, that the Alliance is coming together now and we are starting to grow some teeth.

However I wonder what this guy was thinking!
Honestly mining during a war..............!!!

Over & Out

1 comment:

  1. Yo Kaisi,

    Hi-Sec mercenary groups don't need a reason to wardec other than more green for their killboards and more "phat lewts"!

    And somehow there's ALWAYS someone (usually more than 1) who thinks they won't get caught carebearing during a war. Merc groups count on it.

    Enjoying your blog!
